Volunteer can benefit you

Did you know?
Volunteering can benefit YOU?!
In a very short space of time as a still relatively new charity we've seen a vast amount of personal growth in our volunteers. It isn't a specific aim, but instead, a natural progression from the community and peer support we offer day to day. While our focus is on members, volunteers equally benefit from the community we share.
Encouraging Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic people to volunteers is a huge part of what we do to ensure we offer relatable support but it's certainly not a requirement to be neurodivergent. We welcome anyone that is looking to better themselves and better their community.
See below the areas where you can give your time, no matter how little. Every little bit contributes to our community.
Contact info@teesvalleybuddies.co.uk for a volunteer form or any questions you may have.